I first heard about this game when it had a TV commercial. It was a really cool commercial too, but I forget it. Anyway I got a Genesis not an SNES, so I forgot about this game until '99 when my friend borrowed it from his friend. Then I remembered, "oh yeah there was a zelda for SNES, was it any good?" Well it's damn good as far as I'm concerned. The puzzle is whether Zelda for Game Boy or Zelda for SNES came first. They are very similar in that they both play in the traditional LOZ overhead fashion, but they have similar elements of the bushes, hookshot, KIKI MONKEY! and other similarities. Did these things start in SNES and go to game boy or vice versa? I can't believe I don't know. It doesn't matter because it's great.
When I got Zelda 64 I thought that a lot of the stuff in it was new and exiting. Then as soon as I played this game I became very dissapointed. Most of the music that I thought was written for 64 was actually in this game. Also in SNES you get 3 medals then a sword, then you go on to play through the dungeons. Just like in the 64 one. Only you have to fight a somewhat simple wizard boss to get to the other world. See both games have "other worlds" in 64 you have young and old. In SNES you have evil world and good world. I really can't think of anything original in 64 except for the little side games because I now realize it all came from this SNES game but in 3D. In other words this is the second best Zelda game ever. It comes close too, but Zelda 1 can't be touched anyway let me tell you the story.
It starts out where link just wakes up in his house and has to save princess zelda. He goes to the castle and a quick dungeon. He finds the princess and saves her from the dungeon. Then he goes in a secret passageway to the church. There's an old Shahahrlalala guy there who tells you to get the three medals and the master sword. Sound familiar. So you beat 3 levels and get the sword. In getting the third medal you realize there are two worlds that you can travel between with a magic mirror you have. So you get the sword and go to the castle again. You break the seal with the sword and fight the evil wizard who kidnapped the princess when you got the third medal. You deflect his blasts back at him with your sword. coughganon64cough. Then you travel to the bad world and have to rescue girls from the temples coughsagescough. This game is exactly the same as Zelda 64 except there are no gorons (that I've seen), it's no 3D, and the characters are different. Basically if you took Zelda 64 and converted it to look like the Game Boy Zelda only in 16 bit color this is what you get. But because 64 came after it's just a poo poo on nintendo. They weren't creative enough to come up with a new story for their 64 game so they used the old one from the SNES considering it is the worst selling Zelda game except for maybe Zelda 2. That's just my guess, but it's probably true. I haven't finished that yet, but I already have a lot of weapons, so this game has a ton of them and that's great. Also the controls are simple, the weapons are easy to use. Anyway I love this game and I'll beat it soon. I haven't been playing too much lately. KIKI RULES! Link's hair is pink!
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