In medieval times a boy wakes up says goodbye to his mommy and runs to his friends house to play. His friend has already gone to the fair with her crazy new invention, so he goes that way too. At the fair he bumps into a hot girl and she drops her pendant. Depending on what he does here will determine what happens to him at his future trial. It's better to go to jail so you can get items there. He then goes to see his friend and brings the hot girl with him. His friend has invented a teleportation machine that actually works. They go in it and they go back in time. From there things just get crazier and crazier. They eventually find that the world will be destroyed by a monster called lavos, and they become able to travel in time at will in order to destroy the monster. I wont tell you the rest of the story or all the details, but this game is great.
Chrono Trigger was made by Squaresoft, the Final Fantasy people. I believe there is a sequel coming soon too, so keep your eyes peeled. The thing I like most about this game is that there aren't a bunch of different screens to get the hang of. There are only two screens, map and area. When you walk around the map it is only to go to different areas. When you are in an area you can see everything. You can walk around bad guys to avoid them, or you can fight them. The fight takes place without the screen changing, the fight menu simply appears. You can also move the fight menu to the top or bottom of the screen on the fly. It's also neat because the position of your guys and the bad guys makes a difference in the fight. Different characters can combine their special moves to make new ones that will hurt guys close together or guys lined up in a row. It's your standard turn based fighting, but sometimes when you have time against you in the fight you can't get through the menus fast enough. Also save spots are few and far between, but you can save when you are on the map screen.
You know when you see a movie or read a long book and you finish it, then think back to the beginning and it seems like the beginning was a whole different book or movie than the one you just read? You get that feeling with chrono trigger. After you beat the game and see one of many possible endings you get a new+ option. You start the game all over again with your same characters and levels and non-event items. It's really cool. You can see all the endings and get insanely high levels this way. Plus you experience the story again and can do things the right way, or a different way. It doesn't matter how you do it Chrono Trigger is one of the five best RPGs ever I would say. And it definitely isn't number 5.
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