NOTE: I rewrote this article because I lost the HTML file by accident. Don't ask. Cruis'n World is the best automobile racing game I have ever played. Only if you play it in the arcade. It first seems to be a game full of humorous racing as you see flying saucers over stone henge and exploding giraffes in Africa, but World's racing quality beats just about every other racing game I've played (except Nascar Silicon Motor Speedway). I have best times in China, Hawaii, Italy, Germany, and New York on 3/4 of the seats at the arcade in my local mall. I piss off many a racer who thinks I got in an accident when I end up getting a free game. The reason is the excellent steering control. If real cars has steering like that... Most turns can be made by barely moving the wheel one way or the other. It gives feedback, but not enough to hinder driving. Plus you can hold the gas down the whole race, except for when you have to pump it for a wheelie. Every track is actually someplace on earth from New York's Brooklyn Bridge to Germany's Audobon. Non player cars even drive in the correct side of the road for foreign tracks. The only thing I hate is the built in "don't let him get a free race program". You can't tell if people are behind you unless they are very close, so if you come over a hill and hit a truck head on three cars somehow automatically pass you and your race is over. There is always an accident early every race involving four computer cars minimum, if you dodge it and take one shortcut you are in first place 90% of the time. When I go to the arcade I only play a few games. This is one where I always have at least one race despite the game's old age. �1996-2000 Apreche. All of the games are property of their respective companies. All site content and graphics, other than screenshots, property of me. Clik here to e-mail me, the webmaster |