The adventures of lolo is the most amazing puzzle solving game ever. It was such a good game it had two sequels. And the sequels barely changed anything about the gameplay. If you like games like Chip's Challenge then you'll absolutely love lolo.
The story is that princess lala has been captured by a big monster, and has been taken to a castle. You have to go through every floor in the castle. Every floor is composed of rooms. The last room on the last floor is where you save lala.
To solve a room you must go through the door. The door is locked until you unlock it, so it's not that easy. First you must grab every heart in the entire room. Then you must grab the pearl in the treasure chest that opens up, then you can go through the door, but there are just a few things in your way. First of all there are many different bad guys. Some shoot you if you don't put something between you and them, some run after you all the time, and some just sit around and do nothing. In some levels when you get a certain number of heart you will get shots. When you shoot a bad guy he will turn into an egg regardless of what bad guy he is. An egg can be pushed to open or block things. The egg will hatch into a bad guy soon though. If you shoot and egg it will fly off the screen, but the bad guy may return soon. Eggs can be pushed into water to make temporary bridges, but other than that they are just a way to move bad guys. There are also green blocks you can push wherever you want. Use these instead of eggs whenvever possible. most of the time you push things not to open paths, but to block things off, e.g. a shooting bad guy can't shoot you through a green chest, Skull guys who wake up when you grab the last heart wont be able to kill you on your way to the chest, etc. Some rooms give you special tools when you grab a certain number of hearts. These tools have to be used once and in the right place at the right time. If not you are going to lose a life. You can't waste your shots either, every one usually has a specific place to be used. There is more than one way to beat a room, but most of them have one way that isn't always apparent when you first enter the room.
Look at the room in the picture. The gray bad guy chases you as soon as you start moving. You get two shots when you grab the first heart. When you push and egg into the water it floats around the stream clockwise, but will soon sink. The skull will wake up and chase you if you grab the last heart. The green worms don't do anything. How can you possibly defeat this room. I did, but I'm not telling you.
Lolo is the best puzzle game I have ever played. I will probably continue to play lolo until I beat every room and every floor on lolo 1, 2 and 3. If you find a copy of lolo anywhere I strongly urge you to buy it and play it. It may look childish and have annoying music, but if you don't mind the cartoony looks just push the mute button. You will concentrate in the quiet better anyway.
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