I actually own this one. It is the greatest flight simulation game ever. Its especially fun to play levels other people have made. This is one game that will never run out because of all the people making new levels. The addition of the guidebot is especially helpful when trying to find the exits after you blow the reactor. That was a big problem in Descent 1. And the best thing about this game is the low system requirements. You can have a 3 year old PC and still run this game near peak performance with awesome graphics. The controls are awesome even if you use the keyboard like me. If you have a throttle and a joystick the game must be so much better. And if you have I/O goggles I don't know how you're gonna get me out of your house. If you don't have Descent 2 already, buy it. It may seem old, but the version that's out now is 20$ and it includes all of the Descent Software ever officially released. The best thing about descent that makes it better than other flight sims is that it is also a corridor shooter. There are keys, doors, hallways, and secret passages. So it really isn't a flight sim because you aren't really simulating flying, but you are, but you're not. In "normal" flight sims you are constantly flying forward. In Descent you can stop, change facing, point your ship in absolutely any direction, fire in any direction, and do absolutely anything you want. It is especially fun if you make a level full of programmed enemies and doors that can do some funky stuff. Someone once programmed a door to turn into an enemy when opened. People are constantly programming new little goodies like this and incorporating them into new and old levels. Descent 2 will last forever. When Descent 3 comes out Descent 2 will live on. Just like Descent 1. Go buy it because it is the best video game investment you will ever make. �1996-2000 Apreche. All of the games are property of their respective companies. All site content and graphics, other than screenshots, property of me. Clik here to e-mail me, the webmaster |