10 Yard Fight
Alien Storm
Bad Dudes
Chrono Trigger
Cruis'n World
Final Fantasy
Ice Hockey
Mechwarior 2
MegaMan 2
NHL 2000
R-Type 3
Zelda 1
Zelda 3
Zoo Keeper

Originally this page was like a frequently changing battletech page, but now it is a Video Game Review. All I have to say is that if there is one pure simulation game everyone has to have it is Mechwarrior 2. And get the enhanced 3D card version because it is just cooler that way. When you play this game you feel small. That is good because you are fighting with humongous war machines. And you see how big they are when you look at the skyscrapers around them. Just think that the mech's are the size of Godzilla, because they are. Anyway, so you have a really big machine with really big weapons. And all you do is blow up the other guys! That's it. No matter what the mission is if you don't blow up stuff you will lose. You even get bonus points for blowing up more stuff. Especially if you kill a drop ship like the one in that mission I forget. Even though all this about the game is good it is only stuff that comes naturally to a mech game. it says mech games are good. What make Mech 2 the best is that you can customize and try and tool around. There are options I haven't tried yet. There are cameras looking at cameras. You can try to play from a view from your mechs back, front, or croch area. You can play in the dark on purpose or you can use the light enhance or image enhane to see again. You can blow up stuff for no reason. Even if you beat the game you can do trials of Greivance 'til your heart stops. Plus you get to climb mountains, visit the hidden quick-e-mart, and learn secret codes. Plus if you get really good see if you can teach the teaching instructor a lesson, without cheating. And if you do cheat see if you can blow up your own base during the training thing. It is the biggest explosion you have ever seen. Jump Jet really far away and just fire tons and tons of crap at the base. Eventually, if the instructor doesn't kill you, you will the base will explode in a better than movie quality blast. So the number one reason to get this game is... Fire and Flame!

�1996-2000 Apreche. All of the games are property of their respective companies. All site content and graphics, other than screenshots, property of me. Clik here to e-mail me, the webmaster