And now what you've all been waiting for.. Metroid. Duh. Metroid is the best game of its kind. You are Samus Aran, space Pirate. A planet with a stupid name is taken over by metroids and monsters. You take your little battle suit and kick some butt. You walk into the planet weak a feeble. You walk out insanely powerful.
The key to Metroid is to bomb and shoot and kill every single thing at least once. Bomb ever wall, kill every enemy, turn into a ball and bomb jump into every possible crevice. Leave no stone unturned. I've seen people who've been playing metroid for years find secrets they've never seen before. You'll have to beat the game at least 7 times before you're sure you've found everything. I haven't found every thing. That's why I have it. On Nintendo cartridge and Nesticle ROM (I used Nesticle to get the screenshots). Metroid 2 and Super Metroid are awesome too. Metroid 1 is the best though for 2 reasons. Metroid 2 is too short and doesn't have nearly as many secrets. And Super Metroid gives you too many helpers that make the game easier. Especially the map, which shouldn't be in Metroid because it gives the secrets away.
So you are running around bombing and killing and shooting and finding all the secrets and you can go on forever like that. Yes, you actually have objectives. First of all if you see a red door shoot it with 5 missiles to open it. No more no less. If you find a statue holding a ball shoot the ball and take the goodie. Save the ice beam until the end of the game *hint* *hint*. If you bomb a hole and it looks like you'll die if you go in it, go in anyway. Make sure you have your password written down though. If you meet a Metroid you have to kill it with missiles. Last but not least there are no dead ends *hint*. I think that's enough.
So for all you who think the NES is dead think again. If you have an NES wthout Metroid you'd better go get it. Also be sure to get Super Metroid for SNES and Metroid 2 for Game Boy Color. Even better Samus is in super smash brothers and has a cameo in Mario RPG. Nintendo is keeping Samus alive for some reason, but where is Metroid 64?
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