Category Archives: Ideas
A Nothing Emulator
Perhaps a virtual machine specialized to run games only can be a boon to PC gaming. Continue reading Flim Flam Tag
So next time you see something promoting alternative medicine, scientology, pseudoscience, etc. on tag it as flimflam. Continue reading
Return of M.U.L.E.
With a little bit of modification it would make an excellent board game that could be played time and time again. Continue reading
What I’m going to basically do is create a single information collation point which will allow me to store, get and share all the digital information in my life. Continue reading
RSS is the new M3U
This looks like the direction we’re headed, let’s move there faster. Continue reading
Gaming VPN
Setting up LANs with VPN access intentionally for the purpose of playing multi-player games could be a great way to restore PC gaming. Continue reading
An Awesome Homeowners Association
Let’s make a geek HOA. Build a community of houses with services like… Continue reading