Category Archives: Video Games
PS3 Controller Design is a Ripoff!
The Design for the PS3 Controller is almost 9 years old. Continue reading
AJAX + Canvas = Awesome + Games
…you can make a massive multiplayer online game in a web browser that requires very little loading time, no installation and no plugins. Continue reading
Return of M.U.L.E.
With a little bit of modification it would make an excellent board game that could be played time and time again. Continue reading
DS Wi-Fi Demystified
I couldn’t resist opening the Wi-Fi menus to answer all those questions that neither Buffalo nor Nintendo would acknowledge. Rest assured, the answers are good. Continue reading
DS Strategy
When you’ve got a hammer everything starts to look like nails. Continue reading
Gaming VPN
Setting up LANs with VPN access intentionally for the purpose of playing multi-player games could be a great way to restore PC gaming. Continue reading
AJAX Games
The day when 5 people can play the same game of Puerto Rico on a phone, palm, blackberry, PC and PSP in different parts of the world will be a very good day. Continue reading