1  # *******************************
  2  # fvwm2 configuration file
  3  # by Scott Rubin
  4  # ******************************
  6  ########## Global Variables ##########
  8  ImagePath $HOME/.icons:+
  9  IgnoreModifiers L2
 10  XineramaSlsScreens 2 1024x768+0+0 1280x1024+1024+0
 11  XineramaSlsOn
 12  XineramaPrimaryScreen 1
 13  XineramaOn
 14  EdgeResistance 200 30
 15  EdgeThickness 0
 16  OpaqueMoveSize Unlimited
 17  SnapAttraction 10 SameType Screen
 18  CursorStyle POSITION left_ptr
 19  CursorStyle DEFAULT left_ptr
 20  CursorStyle TITLE left_ptr
 21  CursorStyle MENU left_ptr
 22  CursorStyle ROOT left_ptr
 23  ColormapFocus FollowsFocus
 24  HideGeometryWindow
 25  DefaultIcon default.png
 26  #BugOpts FlickeringMoveWorkaround True
 27  EwmhBaseStruts 0 0 40 0
 28  DeskTopSize 1x1
 30  DesktopName 0 Freedom
 31  DesktopName 1 Justice
 32  DesktopName 2 Work
 33  DesktopName 3 Browse
 34  DesktopName 4 Comm
 36  ########### Function Definitions ##########
 38  ##### Browse Menu Function #####
 39  DestroyFunc     FuncFvwmMenuDirectory
 40  AddToFunc       FuncFvwmMenuDirectory
 41  + I PipeRead `my-fvwm-menu '$0'`
 43  ##### Start Function #####
 44  DestroyFunc     StartFunction
 45  AddToFunc       StartFunction
 46  + I Exec exec nvidia-settings -l
 47  + I Exec exec xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap
 48  + I Exec exec numlockx
 49  + I Exec exec xfce-mcs-manager
 50  + I Exec exec Esetroot -scale /home/apreche/pictures/orangeflame.png
 51  + I Exec exec torsmo -b
 52  + I Module FvwmEvent FvwmEvent-NewWindow
 53  + I Module FvwmPager 0 4
 54  + I Module FvwmIconMan
 55  + I Exec exec xystray -iconrows 1 -bg white
 56  + I Exec exec xscreensaver
 58  ##### Exit Function #####
 59  DestroyFunc     ExitFunction
 60  AddToFunc       ExitFunction
 61  + I Exec exec sync
 63  Read fvwmmenu quiet
 65  ########## Style ##########
 67  ##### Menu #####
 68  Colorset 0 fg black, bg white, sh black, hi black, Translucent white 75
 69  Colorset 1 fg black, bg orange, sh black, hi black
 70  MenuStyle * Hilight3DOff, PopupOffset 0 100, PopupDelay 300, PopdownDelay 300
 71  MenuStyle * Font "xft:Bistream Vera Sans:size=7:antialias=True"
 72  MenuStyle * MenuColorset 0, HilightBack, ActiveColorset 1
 73  MenuStyle * BorderWidth 1, TitleUnderlines0, SeparatorsLong, TrianglesSolid
 74  MenuStyle * ItemFormat "%.2|%.5i%.5l%.5i%2.3>%2|"
 75  MenuStyle * VerticalTitleSpacing 1 1, VerticalItemSpacing 3 3
 77  ##### Window #####
 79  Colorset 2 fg black, bg black, hi black, sh black
 80  Style * TitleAtLeft, ResizeOpaque
 81  Style * Font "xft:Bitstream Vera Sans:size=8:antialias=True"
 82  Style * Colorset 2, BorderWidth 1, HandleWidth 1
 83  Style * BorderColorset 2, HilightBorderColorset 2
 84  Style * MWMFunctions, MWMDecor, HintOverride, DecorateTransient
 85  Style * MouseFocusClickRaises, WindowShadeSteps 1000
 86  Style * ClickToFocus, NoIcon, NoIconTitle
 87  Style * MinOverlapPlacement
 88  Style * MinOverlapPlacementPenalties 2 5 1 2 0.5 50
 90  ##### Module #####
 91  Colorset 3 fg black, bg black, hi white, sh white, fgsh white
 92  Style FvwmPager StaysOnBottom, NoTitle, Sticky, WindowListSkip, CirculateSkip, NeverFocus, FixedSize, NoHandles, BorderWidth 1, Colorset 3
 93  Style FvwmIconMan StaysOnBottom, NoTitle, Sticky, WindowListSkip, CirculateSkip, NeverFocus, NoHandles, BorderWidth 1, Colorset 3
 95  ##### Application #####
 96  Style Xystray NoTitle, Sticky, NoHandles, WindowListSkip, CirculateSkip, NeverFocus, StaysOnBottom
 97  Style torsmo WindowListSkip, CirculateSkip, NeverFocus, FixedSize, NoHandles, BorderWidth 0, Sticky, StaysOnBottom
 98  Style gmrun MiniIcon gears.png, GrabFocus, StaysOnTop, CenterPlacement, WindowListSkip, CirculateSkip, BorderWidth 3
 99  Style xmms MiniIcon xmms.xpm, CirculateSkip, WindowListSkip
100  Style NEdit MiniIcon nedit_mini.png
101  Style XTerm MiniIcon red_xterm_mini.png
102  Style GnuCash MiniIcon gnucash_mini.png
103  Style Valknut MiniIcon valknut_mini.png
104  ########## Window Decoration ##########
106  Colorset 8 bg orange, hi #black, RootTransparent buffer, Tint orange 75
107  Colorset 9 bg orange, hi #black, RootTransparent buffer, Tint orange 25
108  DestroyDecor DefaultDecor
109  AddToDecor DefaultDecor
110  + TitleStyle LeftJustified Height 20
111  + TitleStyle Active ( Colorset 8 -- Flat )
112  + TitleStyle InActive ( Colorset 9 -- Flat )
114  + ButtonStyle All Active ( Colorset 8 -- Flat )
115  + ButtonStyle All InActive ( Colorset 9 -- Flat )
117  # Border
118  + BorderStyle Active Flat -- NoInset HiddenHandles
119  + BorderStyle Inactive Flat -- NoInset HiddenHandles
121  # Titlebar icon
122  + AddButtonStyle  2 Active MiniIcon -- Flat
123  + AddButtonStyle  2 InActive MiniIcon -- Flat
124  + ButtonStyle 2 - MwmDecorMenu
126  # Close Button
127  + AddButtonStyle  4 Active Pixmap close.png
128  + AddButtonStyle  4 Inactive Pixmap close.png
130  # Maximize Button
131  + AddButtonStyle  8 Active Pixmap maximize.png
132  + AddButtonStyle  8 Inactive Pixmap maximize.png
134  # Minimize Button
135  + AddButtonStyle  6 Active Pixmap minimize.png
136  + AddButtonStyle  6 Inactive Pixmap minimize.png
138  Style * UseDecor DefaultDecor
140  #####
141  # Mouse Bindings
142  #####
144  # Titlebar Mouse Bindings
145  Mouse 1 2 A Nop
146  Mouse 3 T A Popup MenuTitleTask
147  Mouse 1 4 A Close
148  Mouse 1 6 A Iconify
149  Mouse 1 8 A Maximize grow grow
150  Mouse 2 8 A Maximize 100 100
151  Mouse 4 T A WindowShade True
152  Mouse 5 T A WindowShade False
154  # Ctrl + Wheel = change desktops
155  Mouse 4 A 4 GoToDesk -1 0 4
156  Mouse 5 A 4 GoToDesk +1 0 4
158  # Desktop Menu keybindings
159  Mouse 1 R A -
160  Mouse 3 R A Menu MenuFvwmRoot
162  #####
163  # Keyboard Bindings
164  #####
166  # Menu Shortcuts
167  Key Menu R A Popup MenuFvwmRoot
168  Key Menu T A Popup MenuTitleTask
170  # Launching Shortcuts
171  Key R A 4 Exec exec gmrun
172  Key T A 4 Exec exec aterm
174  # Window Controlling Commands
175  Key F4 W A Close
176  Key I W 4 Pick Module FvwmIdent
177  Key X A 4 Exec exec xkill
178  Key Z W 4 Pick Destroy
179  Key 1 W 4 MoveToDesk 0 0
180  Key 2 W 4 MoveToDesk 0 1
181  Key 3 W 4 MoveToDesk 0 2
182  Key 4 W 4 MoveToDesk 0 3
183  Key 5 W 4 MoveToDesk 0 4
185  # Media Keys
186  Key XF86AudioMedia A A Exec exec xmms -m
187  Key XF86AudioNext A A Exec exec xmms -f
188  Key XF86AudioPrev A A Exec exec xmms -r
189  Key XF86AudioPlay A A Exec exec xmms -t
190  Key XF86AudioStop A A Exec exec xmms -s
191  Key XF86AudioRaiseVolume A A Exec exec amixer sset 'Wave Surround' 1%+
192  Key XF86AudioLowerVolume A A Exec exec amixer sset 'Wave Surround' 1%-
193  Key XF86Standby A A Exec exec xflock4
194  Key XF86HomePage A A Exec exec rox ~
196  #####
197  # Configuration for FvwmIdent
198  #####
199  DestroyModuleConfig FvwmIdent: *
200  *FvwmIdent: Colorset 0
201  *FvwmIdent: Font "xft:Clean:size=10:antialias=True"
203  #####
204  # Configuration for Fvwm Modules
205  #####
207  Colorset 4 fg black, bg white, RootTransparent buffer, tint #e8e8e6 50
208  Colorset 5 bg orange, RootTransparent buffer, tint orange 50
209  Colorset 6 fg white, bg #e8e8e6
210  Colorset 7 fg grey, bg orange
211  DestroyModuleConfig FvwmPager: *
212  *FvwmPager: Geometry -4+4@p
213  #*FvwmPager: Geometry 275x22-96+4@p
214  *FvwmPager: Colorset * 4
215  *FvwmPager: HilightColorset * 5
216  *FvwmPager: WindowColorsets 6 7
217  *FvwmPager: BalloonColorset * 4
218  *FvwmPager: Font none
219  *FvwmPager: SmallFont none
220  *FvwmPager: Balloons All
221  *FvwmPager: BalloonFont "xft:Clean:size=10:antialias=True"
222  *FvwmPager: BalloonYOffset +2
223  *FvwmPager: BalloonBorderWidth 1
224  *FvwmPager: UseSkipList
225  *FvwmPager: MoveThreshold 0
226  *FvwmPager: SolidSeparators
227  *FvwmPager: WindowBorderWidth 1
229  #####
230  # FvwmIconMan configured to be an awesome taskbar
231  #####
233  Colorset 10 fg orange, bg orange, RootTransparent buffer, Tint orange 75
234  Colorset 11 fg orange, bg orange, RootTransparent buffer, Tint orange 50
235  Colorset 12 fg orange, bg orange, RootTransparent buffer, Tint orange 25
236  DestroyModuleConfig FvwmIconMan: *
237  *FvwmIconMan: Title ""
238  *FvwmIconMan: Action Mouse 1 N sendcommand "Iconify off", sendcommand RaiseLower, sendcommand FlipFocus
239  *FvwmIconMan: DrawIcons always
240  *FvwmIconMan: Format ""
241  *FvwmIconMan: Colorset 4
242  *FvwmIconMan: FocusAndSelectColorset 10
243  *FvwmIconMan: FocusColorset 11
244  *FvwmIconMan: IconColorset 4
245  *FvwmIconMan: PlainColorset 4
246  *FvwmIconMan: SelectColorset 12
247  *FvwmIconMan: ReliefThickness 0
248  *FvwmIconMan: FollowFocus true
249  *FvwmIconMan: ShowOnlyIcons false
250  *FvwmIconMan: ManagerGeometry 0x1-374+4@p
251  *FvwmIconMan: ButtonGeometry 24x32
253  #####
254  # FvwmEvent configuration
255  #####
257  *FvwmEvent: new_desk "Current (!CurrentDesk) Prev (CurrentDesk) Focus NoWarp"
259  #start xystray in the right position
260  *FvwmEvent-NewWindow: add_window FuncMoveWindow
261  DestroyFunc     FuncMoveWindow
262  AddToFunc       FuncMoveWindow
263  + I ThisWindow ("xystray") Move 2212p 4p